Peeled clementines
Peeled clementines

In the US, clementines are typically in season from November to January.

peeled clementines

Which Months Are Clementines in Season?Ĭlementines are grown in many parts of the world, but most of the commercial crop is grown in Texas, California, Spain, and Morocco. Let’s take a closer look at what makes clementines so special. Clementines are also popular in baking and cooking, as their tartness can add a nice zing to recipes. The clementine season is a big factor in the overall popularity of the fruit, since it’s often used as a holiday decoration or given as a gift during the winter months. They may still be available the rest of the year, but they won’t be as fresh or tasty. This is when they are at their peak ripeness and flavor. So, when’s the best time to get your hands on this delicious fruit?Ĭlementines are in season from late October or early November to January. The clementine is a small, round fruit with a deep orange color and a slightly acidic taste. It’s a hybrid of the mandarin orange and the sweet orange, named after Pierre Clement, who discovered the delectable combo.

Peeled clementines